Youth Link seeks to minister to the youth pastor/leader’s spiritual and emotional health to promote longevity in this vital area of ministry. We desire to link local youth ministries together and provide support to “sharpen one another.”
With the constant challenges, stringent schedules, and high expectations of youth ministry burnout and stress can be inevitable. Current statistics show that youth workers are resigning from churches on a national average of every 18-21 months. Just when our youth need the stability of their youth leader - he or she is gone! This is a trend that cannot continue! Although their reasons for leaving are varied and often beyond their control, this is ultimately a spiritual battle that greatly affects the lives of our youth. We support the local church by equipping today's youth pastors/leaders.
Youth Link Ministries works alongside those reaching the next generation for Christ through avenues of intentional mentorship and accountability relationships, including personal coaching and our local Youth Networks throughout the Valley.
Youth Link Ministries envisions healthy, passionate, and sustainable youth workers thriving in their local area context.
The foundation of Youth Link Ministries is built on:
[1] Personal Discipleship
[2] Equipping Students
[3] Sharing the Gospel
[4] Encouraging Unity
Youth Link Ministries is committed to ministering to local youth workers and those who are reaching the next generation for Christ.
We accomplish this through avenues of intentional mentorship and accountability relationships, including personal coaching and our local Youth Networks throughout the Valley.
Youth Link Ministries envisions healthy, passionate, and sustainable youth workers thriving in their local area context.
We serve as a practical resource to local church youth workers and their communities as a credible sounding board, objective third-party voice, and hands-on coach in their journey toward a more effective ministry.
Affirming that our souls matter to God, I commit to a life of prayer for myself, other youth leaders, and students and their families. My home, family and all relationships are modeled after the example of Christ and his authoritative Word (Matt 28:19).
... to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in the priestly service of the gospel of God, so that the offering of the Gentiles may be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. - Romans 15:16 (ESV)
And all who desire to love and serve young people (Eph.4:12). Training to be culturally sensitive and relevant to connect with the present day adolescent. Understanding their spiritual gifts and how they can be effectively expressed (Rom 12:6-8).
And the love of Jesus in order to participate with God in transformation (John 15:12). The Great Commission (Matt 28). A passion to share and be the light of the world (Matt 5:16).
Through collaborative relationships in order to more effectively reach and equip every young person (John 17:22). Being like-minided one in spirit & purpose (Phil 2:2). Realizing that we are truly Better Together!
In 2002, Bob started Youth Link Ministries with the intention of building up The Church through networking, training and mentoring throughout the Phoenix-metro area. He uses his years of experience in counseling and leadership development to help church and parachurch organizations create vision and focus for their ministries. He has an undeniable passion for discipling pastors/leaders for longevity in the field of youth ministry.
He has served as a licensed Youth Pastor of Student Ministries for over 40 years and currently serves as the Southeast Phoenix Director of the National Network of Youth Ministries. He is actively engaged in the Mentor Youth Program that partners with local churches in mentoring the youth of this generation.
In his free time, he enjoys being outdoors and spending time with family.
ABout bob Dunn
Lead Pastor,
Sun Valley Community Church
Lead Pastor,
Sun Valley Community Church