Youth Link provides strategic training to build an intentional direction of ministry by resource materials, assessments, team building, leadership training and coaching techniques to assist the local youth pastor/worker for a greater passion and vision for their student ministry.
Youth Link ministry and personal assessments are designed to be an asset to the Churcch Leadership Team by investing time, building relationships and developing strategic training that will further enhance the youth pastor’s heart and passion for the lives of teenagers.
YLM provides on-going coaching and mentoring to existing youth pastors; or assimilates new hires into the culture of a new position with job specific training and equipping. Assessments may include Personal Profile Assessments, Dimensions of Leadership Assessment, and C.A.R.E. Profile.
For over 19 years, Youth Link Ministries has sought to pour into leaders and students across Arizona by aiming to foster spiritual life transformation in Christ-centered relationships. YLM's goal is ultimately to build The Church by connecting leaders with community and resources so that they can significantly impact their world for Christ.
... to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in the priestly service of the gospel of God, so that the offering of the Gentiles may be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. - Romans 15:16 (ESV)
YLM will work with you to help sharpen your leadership and team building skills through various workshops for your staff or student leadership. Develop greater unity with your team by vision casting, consensus building, understanding and respecting the diversity of giftedness. You will learn incredible and transferable team-building skills.
YLM provides training and coaching seminars for you, your volunteer staff and student leaders. Here are just some of the options available to you:
- Culture/Team Building
- Vision casting for intentional ministry.
- Team-building to unify and respect the gifts and skill base of each individual team member.
- Foundational training of the 6 key principles for establishing a balanced, long-term ministry.
- Youth Leader training on how to develop a philosophy of effective ministry into the lives of students/volunteers in a world that is culturally changing.